The Ubuntu Girl
Yenza shares resources The Ubuntu girl embarks on the journey of SELF
Sonja Kruse, the Ubuntu girl joins Yenza and discovers just how the SELF project has worked with over 20 teenagers on all aspects of self development while empowering communities.
03 Jun 2013 - S. K.
Somehow different We are all on a journey of discovery
The biggest blessing of the Ubuntu journey is the continuation of the many connections made, families gained. Many of my host families inspire me daily with the work they do within their communities.
01 Mar 2013 - S. K.
Reflecting on 2012 Time won’t tell the actual length between one lesson and the next
The same length of time will pass from one year to the next, yet it is up to you to determine the lessons you take with you and how they will affect your future.
16 Jan 2013 - S. K.
Finding the cracks The Ubuntu Girl shares her story
This past month I‘ve come face to face with my ugly side. It has been about finding the cracks. “There is a crack in everything. That is how the light gets in” said Leonard Cohen.
09 Nov 2012 - S. K.
The Ubuntu Girl The spirit of ubuntu does indeed exist in all of us
Sonja Kruse, aka The Ubuntu Girl, had a dream - a recurring dream that one day made her decide to travel around South Africa, proving to herself firstly that the spirit of ubuntu
09 Jul 2012

This edition

Issue 23


TLConvention We would also like the world to see what young South African leaders are all about, so please remember the event hashtags… 2 months - reply - retweet - favorite

Ubuntumag1 'Hennessy VSOP Privilege Limited Edition' product launch'. #launch #hennessy 0 years - reply - retweet - favorite

TLConvention Opening speaker at #OMTLC, Minister Jeff Radebe recently spoke to - 0 years - reply - retweet - favorite